Who We Are

If working with a team that holds these values dear is important to you, let’s talk.
X Agency is an integrated digital marketing agency with offices in Boston and Nashville. We are growth engineers who craft custom digital marketing roadmaps to increase profitability exponentially.
Our team has a deep understanding of the larger digital marketing landscape as it relates to each one of our clients. Our decisions are data-driven: ROI and Revenue are the only metrics we focus on. We are channel agnostic and recommend programs based on each of our client’s individual overall company vision.
We don’t spend to spend. We watch for and create efficiencies to make the most dollars for our clients.
The X Way is client-centric. Your success is our success. We pride ourselves on the unparalleled service that we provide to all of our partners and clients. Remarkable results are the only results that are acceptable to us.


Darwin Liu
Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Rachel Anderson
Chief Growth & Strategy Officer

Ben Hardt
Vice President of Business Intelligence & Innovation

Grace Robinson
Senior Director of Content Strategy

X Agency was founded by Darwin Liu in 2017 after he spent over a decade cracking the digital marketing code. Darwin saw a clear need in the ever-evolving landscape to zig when others zagged in order to truly focus on clients' bottom line and overall business objectives.
Rachel Anderson joined X Agency as COO in 2020, and X Agency has grown its team and service offerings as she established a Nashville team and grew our client base.
XA is a team of experts, ready to solve your most complex business problems. From e-commerce to paid social to remarketing and more, we build the right team to respond to your specific needs. We don’t farm our clients out to interns or set-and-forget. With XA, you’ll have daily expert oversight on your account. Rest easier and earn more with X Agency.
Minority Certification
As a proud member of GNEMSDC, X Agency is uniquely positioned to serve as both a tier 1 and tier 2 supplier for many of our larger clients. We offer a combination of extensive digital marketing capabilities and minority-owned business status, allowing us to meet the complex needs of our client-partners.
Our affiliation with GNEMSDC, which is part of the National Minority Supplier Development Council network, enables us to contribute to the economic growth of the region while fostering diversity and inclusion in the supply chain.